If you are struggling with cancer and chemotherapy, symptoms may include nausea & vomiting, constipation, fatigue, loss of appetite, infections, anxiety, and depression. While medications are sometimes helpful, acupuncture is at the forefront of complementary therapies.
How can acupuncture treat the side effects of chemotherapy?
Let’s look at each of the above issues. Nausea and vomiting are common amongst chemo patients. According to The Journal of Clinical Oncology, acupuncture has been shown to be helpful in managing extreme nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture does not cure these symptoms, but can be helpful in reducing them. Additionally, acupuncture helps treat the loss of appetite and constipation related to chemotherapy.
Healthy Immune System
Research shared by the Health Medicine Institute shows that acupuncture supports healthy immune system function for patients receiving chemotherapy. Patients who received acupuncture in conjunction with chemo had a 1.5 times greater number of white blood cells than those in the control group. Acupuncture, when received on a regular basis, can be used to strengthen the immune system and potentially, prevent illness from occurring.
Acupuncture is also an important tool to support detoxification. The liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, lymphatic, and skin all play a significant role in detoxification. Chemotherapy can overwhelm each of these systems, not only while you are under treatment, but afterward as well. Acupuncture supports the body as it rids itself of toxic chemicals and waste.
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and depression are a common side effect of chemotherapy. In addition to the stress of having a life-threatening illness, your body is challenged with powerful toxins. Chemotherapy drugs can challenge the function of the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and nervous system. The collective stress often leads to profound exhaustion, and contributes to both anxiety and depression. Acupuncture supports each of your body systems to work well and work together, including the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Acupuncture is a great way to mitigate stress. As you become more balanced, physically and emotionally, you become more able to face life’s challenges.