Photo by Nathan Cowley, Pexels
Anxiety is a big problem
Before to the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety disorders affected over 40 million adults in the USA. (National Institute of Mental Health) Today, the stresses we face are extraordinary. We have feelings of fear, concerns about our personal safety and uncertainty regarding our future. The number of people who are struggling with anxiety since the pandemic began has skyrocketed.
Stress that accompanies a crisis can be overwhelming and exhausting. When a person is faced with chronic challenges, the experience of overload can lead to physical and psychological depletion. Mental health issues often follow.
It is not uncommon for people who suffer from an anxiety disorder to also have depression. Traditional treatment options include psychotherapy and medication. Acupuncture is one of the approaches that is being included by mainstream medical offices. Acupuncture is gaining recognition as a noninvasive and potent way to treat not only physical but mental illnesses as well.
Acupuncture can help
A growing body of research supports the effectiveness of acupuncture in managing anxiety problems. Five Element Acupuncture works to restore the health of the physical body and also the mind and spirit. The initial session takes an in depth look at your history, your experiences growing up, your relationships, hopes, dreams and challenges. Anxiety is a symptom that comes into play within the context of a person’s life. Emotional challenges and trauma can become deeply rooted in the physical body.
In a healthy, happy organism energy flows freely without impediments. Both emotional and physical stress often interrupt the flow of energy in the body. This is where acupuncture comes in as a viable treatment for anxiety.
Anxiety is often accompanied by perseveration; a concern or worry that plays in a tape loop. Invasive repetitive thoughts can become relentless and can take residence in the mind. Often, logical thinking and mental peace become inaccessible. A pattern of worry has energetic underpinnings that help to keep it in place. In Five Element Acupuncture, we identify these energetic patterns or blocks and remove them.
The concept and treatment of energetic blocks dates back several thousand years and was developed when all disease was considered an invasion of evil forces. The names of these energetic blocks reflect their shamanistic origins – Aggressive Energy, Possession, Husband Wife Imbalance and more. Our current beliefs are not so different. When we are exposed to pathogens (bacteria, virus, allergens) they invade our bodies and create illness.
The Five Element assessment is based partly on our listening to your story – not just the words you speak, but our observation of your state. We also listen to your 12 Chinese pulses. From this we discern which energetic blocks you are struggling with and how we can support your constitution.
Each of the 365 acupuncture points has a distinctive name that reflects its own unique spirit. Some examples include; Great Esteem, Gate of Hope, Spirit Storehouse and Utmost Source. These acupuncture point names are translated from the Chinese characters and tell a whole story about the power and potential of the point.
Acupuncture is extremely well-suited for helping people cope with anxiety problems. Our approach to the treatment of anxiety is classic to Five Element Acupuncture. While supporting the constitution, it is necessary to find and treat energetic blocks that may be impeding the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. A well chosen treatment can make a huge difference in your mental health.