How does Craniosacral Therapy help with Low Back Pain?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) can help with low back pain. It is a gentle, hands-on approach that uses light touch to reduce tension and shortening in the connective tissue, which interferes with the body’s natural rhythm and movement. Physical strain and compression often contribute to back pain.
CST explores the fluidity of movement of the bones within the spine and head. These subtle movements are important to maintaining the health of our central nervous system and overall well-being.
As the therapist’s light touch reveals areas of restriction, clients let go of the tensions that limit breath and movement in the body. As the body releases tension, movement is restored and the client shifts toward a pain-free state. Our patients report feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful.
About Low Back Pain
Most people experience low back pain (LBP) at some point in their lifetimes. LBP can make it hard to function and often affects emotional well-being. According to the World Health Organization, there were over 619 million cases of LBP last year. As the global population ages, this number is likely to grow.
Often, LBP is due to structural changes that occur over time. Poor posture, while sitting and during our activities, can cause strain on the structure and lead to stiffness. For example, if we frequently sit in a slumped position, the spine can lose its normal range of motion. Over time, bending forward to tie your shoes, or rising from a chair can become difficult.
Some LBP is specific and is due to degenerative or traumatic changes to the spine. Degenerative changes are common, including disc herniations, spinal stenosis, and osteoarthritis of the spine. Traumatic spinal injuries from car accidents and falls are less common.
Are Pain & Stiffness Inevitable?
All patients with back pain invariably share certain features. Pain and stiffness go hand in hand. Over time, stiffness leads to reduced mobility and the loss of function. In most cases, CST can restore mobility, and improve function. As the stiffness and restrictions diminish, the pain can recede. Sessions are about one hour in length. Comfortable clothes are suggested.