Most of us have a great deal of confusion about how to sit well. Sitting posture is an important health issue. People often think their neck or low back problem comes from a traumatic injury, but this is often not the case. Poor sitting posture puts your spine at risk.
Consider the architecture of the spine. Both the neck and low back have a lordosis or arch. Each vertebrae is actually wedged-shaped to support these normal curves of the spine.
Try this exercise. Stand with both feet on the ground and look straight ahead. First place your hands on your low back. Do the same with your hands on the back of the neck. Can you feel each of the lordotic curves?
Poor sitting posture reverses these curves and puts pressure on the soft tissue structures. Over time, chronic and static pressure on the spine can distort the shape and efficiency of the soft tissue. When people say, “I have a slipped or herniated disc”, most often it is due to poor sitting postures.
Over time, years of poor sitting can lead to shortenings in the hips and lower back, leading to difficulty in sitting and standing erect.
Hallmarks Of Poor Sitting Posture
- Slouching or Slumping: Most people sit with their pelvis tipped backwards, buttocks forward in the seat and the spine rounded in a C curve.
- Hunching: People often lean forward over work with the back rounded in a C curve.
- Cradling: Many of us hold the phone with our ear, putting a static strain on the neck.
- Crossing your legs: This causes your pelvis to tilt backward and round the spine.
Six Guidelines To Good Sitting Posture
- Avoid Static Postures: That’s right, the first rule of ergonomics is to avoid static postures. Set a timer and get out of your chair at least three times each hour. Also, shift your position often while you sit to change the stresses throughout the body.
- The Right Seat Height: Chair height should be different for each person. Ideally, the chair should
be high enough for the hips to be a little higher than the knees with both of your feet parallel and flat on the ground. - Find Your Sit Bones: The ischial tuberosities are at the bottom of the pelvis and should form the base of support for your spine.
- Sit Tall: Ideally, the ear, shoulder and hip should be on a vertical axis.
- Maintain Your Lordosis: Poor sitting posture can flatten low back and neck curves. Consider using a lumbar cushion to help support the spines inherent architecture.
- Bring Your Bottom Back: Move your buttocks all the way back in the seat.
Also Read:
Backpacks and posture in children
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