Choosing the right practitioner makes all the difference.
Choose a practitioner with whom you are comfortable to talk with so that you can be partners in your healing process. A great practitioner has diagnostic abilities, vision, intention and technique. All practitioners are not identical, nor are their treatment styles, diagnostic abilities, personalities, training, history and strengths/weaknesses. Practices that have a factory or gym like atmosphere often give care that is diluted. Choose a therapy practice that offers privacy so that you can freely acknowledge your progress and discuss your concerns. Your therapist is ideally focused upon you throughout your treatment. It can be profoundly helpful to have someone who listens and strategizes with you.
Gaining Perspective: Bumps in the road are normal and to be expected.
It is common for people to begin therapy with high hopes and after a few sessions become disillusioned because their chronic issues have not disappeared. Chronic pain, albeit emotional or physical, can wear away at our perspective and judgement. It is easy to lose ourselves in confusion. A seasoned therapist who has seen thousands of patients can help to ground, encourage establishing realistic goals and help you to explore your options.
Some therapies enhance each other
For example acupuncture and Rolfing. Acupuncture can open up the energetic system by removing blockages which can sometimes be the underlying issue with structural and neurologic problems. A structural acupuncture approach can make the soft tissue manipulation of Rolfing more fluid and accessible. It is best to talk to your practitioners and ask for their advice. It is their business to be able to advise you what the best treatment strategy is.
Pursuing holistic therapies involves the cultivation of a practice.
When you commit to a therapy you are investing in a process that works best when you actively participate. Rather than opting for medication or surgery you are devoting time and resources to explore a noninvasive alternative option. Holistic therapies at their best yield self discovery and growth. Whatever type of therapy you choose has the potential to be transformational. You might get much more than you bargained for.
An underlying belief that supports holistic therapies is that our bodies and minds can be influenced psychologically, physically and energetically through noninvasive healing experiences. By choosing psychotherapy, body work, movement or an energetically based therapy you are investing in your own innate ability to recover and heal.